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A Letter from the Athletic Department

Dear Lumberjack Football Families!


As the 2022 football season gets closer, we want to make you aware of some changes to the Wausau East Lumberjack football season due to changes in our coaching staff.  To uphold our responsibility to the WIAA, we will continue the 2022-23 season with running 11-player JV and JV2 seasons, while canceling the Varsity Season and the 8-player exhibition games. The intent of this decision is to preserve and grow strong numbers in the junior and sophomore classes who will become the 2023-24 varsity 11-player team.  


Since our ‘Fear the Beard Fest,’16 more athletes joined our football program, bringing our total 9 through 12 grade registered athletes to 81 (that’s the 3rd highest in 8 years!). We are working diligently to provide a true football atmosphere by having all Home JV games at Historic Thom Field under the lights, reestablishing a Homecoming game, and grounding traditions with the Twig and Stick games versus West (soon to be Log Game as well).  To say the future of the Wausau East Football Program is bright, is an understatement!


None of this would be possible without the dedication, sacrifice, and commitment from the current athletes and coaches, as well as those players who so anxiously applied to become part of the team. As we look to hire our future head coach, Tyler Kramer will be taking the interim position for the JV team. 


Interscholastic sports and activities are an important part of the high school experience for our students, enhancing our academic offerings.  Wausau East High School is committed to providing a comprehensive high school experience for all students that includes outstanding academics and extracurricular sports and activities.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this transition period within our football program. 


Thank you!


Kurt Vanden Heuvel 

Wausau East Athletic/Activities Director

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Wausau East High School will be taking a "combined 8-man and varsity reserve approach" to its football team for the 2021 season.  District activities director Kurt Vanden Heuvel said the move came after 15 upperclassmen players committed to participate in the upcoming season. Numbers were reassessed on the first contact day, with no additional participants committing.

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March 8, 2021 - WAOW-9

The Wausau East High School football team is halfway to its goal in a shoe drive.  As of Monday 1,250 pairs of shoes have been collected. The team's goal is to collect 2,500 pairs of shoes.  The support from everyone in the community is greatly appreciated.  "I appreciate you. Everybody has been absolutely awesome from the community to our athletes to the parents to our administration here, everybody has been absolutely fantastic about it," said head coach Henry Kremnitzer.

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